
Hydrology & Hydraulics

Nearly every environment is controlled by water and its movements. Comprehensive datasets around hydrology and hydraulics allow every one of PND’s engineering teams to prepare for the impact on and interaction with designs and builds.

PND’s field-tested, specialized techniques allow us to overcome challenges and develop precise hydrology solutions.

The interaction between water and the environment is riddled with complexities. PND’s experience in Alaska’s remote and arctic regions have proven that project success is still attainable, even with sparse data and extreme environmental factors. By using sophisticated modeling methods, our team can develop effective solutions for civil drainage, erosion protection, and other hydrologic and hydraulic needs in most any environment.

Arctic Hydrology Expertise

We possess specialized hydrologic knowledge and experience unique to arctic environments.

Advanced Field Study Techniques

We use acoustic Doppler current profilers and flow meter techniques to capture and leverage precise data.

Comprehensive Modeling & Analysis

We produce accurate project outcomes stemming from 1D and 2D river modeling.

Bridge & Culvert Hydraulics

Without culverts or bridges, flooding from snowmelt, heavy rain, or storm surges can damage roads. PND uses hydraulic analysis and modeling to determine design water levels, velocities, and scour potential to support accurate hydraulic structure design, including accurate sizing recommendations for culverts and bridges to better convey flow and withstand scour.
shirley towne bridge, Alaska

Erosion Control & Bank Stabilization

Effective erosion control can help maintain waterway health and protect the integrity of streams, rivers, and surrounding lands. PND’s hydrologists and hydraulic engineers provide analysis and design erosion control features for streambank stabilization. Our team selects solutions based on the site needs, including hard armor, such as riprap, and bioengineered revetments, such as rootwad structures.
mat su spur dikes erosion

Fish Passage Design

Maintaining healthy ecosystems and encouraging steady fish population is critically dependent on fish passage. PND offers stream simulation design services for aquatic organism passage (AOP) structures and aids with stream restoration. Our structures include embedded culverts, open-bottom arches, and bridges to serve both hydraulics and fish passage needs.
culvert interior

Flood Modeling & Analysis

In order to manage flood risk, modeling can help identify river behavior during a flood along with the areas that may be affected. PND provides flood modeling and analysis service in support of floodplain development permits, including no-rise analysis, and flood and erosion risk assessments.
flood modeling

Drainage & Stormwater Design

Stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces can pollute bodies of water and the ecosystems within them if not controlled, collected, and discharged properly. PND provides site drainage, stormdrain, stormwater treatment, and erosion control design in support of site civil and transportation engineering services.
hydrology 4

Hydrologic Monitoring

The longer the data monitoring period, the more accurate predictions can be made. PND maintains an inventory of hydrologic monitoring equipment used to obtain long-term hydrologic data, such as water levels and temperatures. This information can be correlated to flows for developing more accurate hydrologic and hydraulic predictions for design.
gasline hydrology

Decades-Long Client Relationships Start With A Solution

Shakespeare Creek Fish Passage

Shakespeare Creek Culvert Replacement | Whittier, AK

“PND is an exceptional company who can take a conceptual idea and turn it into a reality. They were assigned a task to design a replacement for a failing culvert with an arched bridge in a registered fish stream on a very tight deadline. The team that was assembled got all the necessary permits, design, and construction completed within a three-month period. Their dedication to a quality project that comes in on time and under budget sets them apart from their competitors. PND has demonstrated on numerous occasions how to think outside the box when faced with unknown conditions and can develop a resolution that is cost-effective and practical.”

Scott Korbe
Director of Public Works, City of Whittier, AK


To learn more about PND’s hydrologic and hydraulic services, read our frequently asked questions.

Hydrology and hydraulics are crucial for understanding water flow patterns, designing drainage systems, and protecting structures from erosion.

These disciplines are most often used in designing stormwater management systems, flood risk analysis, bridge and culvert hydraulic analysis, and erosion protection design.

PND leverages its specialized knowledge, experience, and advanced technology to address the unique challenges of arctic hydrology and morphology, ensuring accuracy and efficacy.

PND uses advanced techniques such as acoustic Doppler current profilers and conventional flow meters for data acquisition. This is particularly necessary for challenging environments or areas in which historical data are sparse.

We use sophisticated 1D and 2D river models (HEC-RAS, SRH2D, HY-8, and Federal Highway Administration and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers methods) and ice-structure interaction models for more precise project outcomes, especially for flood analysis and river erosion protection.

We rely on our rigorous data collection, advanced modeling techniques, and years of expertise and experience to deliver effective, accurate engineering solutions for our clients.

Contact Us

Want a project to flow smoothly from start to finish? PND can help guide your next project’s hydrologic and hydraulic needs.